Strategic Priorities, 2025-2026 Legislative Session
The MCWL Strategic Priorities were determined through an inclusive and extensive process with our membership. These topics will be our overarching focus for the 2025-2026 legislative session. We will support these through legislative advocacy and a variety of other tools.
Elevating Women’s Economic Opportunity & Eliminating Barriers: Women should be able to secure economic stability and paths for future job growth without being hindered by challenges entering or staying in the workforce. The ability to grow our economy is dependent on women being able to be full participants in the workforce, if and how they desire. As such, it is critical that we continue to prioritize women’s economic opportunities. Increasing women’s economic purchasing power also ensures decreased food insecurity and housing instability. The Caucus seeks to support policies to create additional opportunities for women, support women in nontraditional employment sectors, and encourage entrepreneurship. We will also work to dismantle the barriers that hold women’s economic power back, such as pay inequities, childcare access/caregiver responsibilities, and more.
Addressing Racial and Gender Disparities in Health Care: Women, particularly women of color, face unique health challenges that can go unnoticed, are misunderstood, and are not taken seriously. Access to affordable and accessible health care, preventative health services, mental health care, and other critical supports must be understood through an intersectional lens, while we acknowledge the historically discriminatory practices that have gotten us to this inequitable point. The Caucus seeks to better understand these disparities, raise awareness, and advocate for more accessible, equitable, and just health care.
Empowering Women in Government: Despite historic gains, women are still a minority in elected office nationally, in Massachusetts, and on the local level. As a collective of women elected officials, the Caucus seeks to support and encourage elected women, female-identifying staff, those looking to get involved in their communities, and young people as they begin engaging civically. In addition to fostering opportunities for women to engage in government, we seek to identify and dismantle hurdles that prevent women from engaging in the political process.